Bathhouse blog

What is useful for women to know about bathing

Since ancient times, baths and saunas have been not only places where you can improve your health, but also a kind of ritual place. It was here that people were once born into the world. Moreover, in the baths gave birth not only to ordinary people and commoners, but also to people from noble families.

The tradition of bathhouse births also existed in the Maya and Finns. And it is not surprising, because sauna and baths are sterile spaces, protected from the effects of pathogenic bacteria and harmful microbes. In addition, the baths had all the necessary conditions for childbirth - water, favorable temperature and atmosphere.
Sauna and pregnancy

Visiting the bath and sauna during pregnancy can significantly facilitate the labor itself. But this is only if you follow all the prescriptions of the doctor. Also, many women who went to the sauna during pregnancy, the process of labor can be reduced by about one third. Sauna also affects the degree of painful labor - as a rule, many women who made visits to the bath, do not need analgesics and other means of anesthesia, because the labor is tolerated normally. Bath helps to relieve muscle tension and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Another important plus of the bath - it improves lactation in lactating women.
Often women acquire varicose veins during pregnancy. Since the sauna contributes to the improvement of blood vessels, the risk of getting this ailment becomes less likely. Also, future mothers noted that after going to the bathhouse they felt better, less frequent headaches, and various infectious diseases flowed much easier.

Bath and gynecological diseases

Well helps bath and gynecological diseases. Since the blood circulation improves, it is easier to remove inflammatory components from the internal organs. Especially baths and saunas are useful in chronic diseases.

Visiting the bathhouse is recommended for diseases such as ovarian or uterine dysfunction, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, inflammatory processes in the internal organs and complications after termination of pregnancy. Sauna visits are highly recommended in the normal course of pregnancy.

It is contraindicated to visit the sauna and sauna in the presence of acute inflammation. It is also not allowed to visit the sauna in complicated pregnancy. It is not recommended to steam after surgeries, especially severe ones.