The ancient custom of visiting a Russian bathhouse - going to steam with a broom - did not appear with our ancestors without reason. It is unlikely that in ancient Russia every peasant had soap, because it appeared only in the 9th century in Italy and France, and was available to aristocrats. Before that, for example, in Rome rubbed with olive oil, and scraping in the steam room washer removed it from the patrician. What could replace soap in the Slavs? Leaves from trees, which were left on the branches so that it did not fly off at once. Gradually began to identify the healing properties of various trees and herbs. One of the most useful in the bath recognized oak leaf.
Benefits of oak broom
Not far gone by the useful qualities of the oak broom from the most popular birch. Oak broom for the bath is not as soft as birch, and does not absorb sweat so well. But the broom made of oak leaves is more durable and can last much longer if it is properly prepared.
What could replace soap in ancient times in the Slavs? Leaves from trees, which were left on the twigs, so that it did not immediately fly off.... One of the most useful in the bath recognized oak leaf.
Oak broom is useful for hypertensive people, as its essential oils well reduce high blood pressure. People with oily skin are also shown a steam room with an oak broom. Due to the high content of tannins the skin becomes firm and matte, inflammations are scarred and excessively enlarged pores are closed.
Benefits of oak broom
Not far gone by the useful qualities of the oak broom from the most popular birch. Oak broom for the bath is not as soft as birch, and does not absorb sweat so well. But the broom made of oak leaves is more durable and can last much longer if it is properly prepared.
What could replace soap in ancient times in the Slavs? Leaves from trees, which were left on the twigs, so that it did not immediately fly off.... One of the most useful in the bath recognized oak leaf.
Oak broom is useful for hypertensive people, as its essential oils well reduce high blood pressure. People with oily skin are also shown a steam room with an oak broom. Due to the high content of tannins the skin becomes firm and matte, inflammations are scarred and excessively enlarged pores are closed.

The same properties of oak essential oils have a beneficial effect on the skin of patients with eczema, scrofula and rashes of various etiologies. Also well helps decoction of oak broom after steaming those who suffer from excessive sweating feet. You can after a visit to the steam room in the rest room to dip your feet in the decoction of oak leaves. This will help you not to cool down too much and at the same time solve a delicate problem.
How to make an oak broom
There is a very real opportunity to prepare a personal broom from oak branches for the bath yourself. It is better to do this at the end of July and before the middle of September, when the tree has fully saturated its leaves. Collected in the summer brooms will be more tender, and the fall broom will be the most saturated. The best will be a broom made of winter oak, which does not fall leaves in winter. Take note of such an oak, and next year be sure to prepare an oak broom.
Collected in the summer brooms will be more delicate, and the fall broom will be the most intense. The best will be a broom made of winter oak, whose leaves do not fall in winter.
How to make an oak broom
There is a very real opportunity to prepare a personal broom from oak branches for the bath yourself. It is better to do this at the end of July and before the middle of September, when the tree has fully saturated its leaves. Collected in the summer brooms will be more tender, and the fall broom will be the most saturated. The best will be a broom made of winter oak, which does not fall leaves in winter. Take note of such an oak, and next year be sure to prepare an oak broom.
Collected in the summer brooms will be more delicate, and the fall broom will be the most intense. The best will be a broom made of winter oak, whose leaves do not fall in winter.